Survey Point | Yathong Nature Reserve N NSW |
Latitude | -32.4427800 (32° 26′ 34″ S) |
Longitude | 145.5091600 (145° 30′ 33″ E) |
Just inside the northern boundary of the reserve on Yathong Rd on the corner with Developmental Rd, there is good woodland here.
Camp rating 6 there are a few tracks in the area to get you off the main track, there is no established campsite here.
Surveys done 2
Plains Wanderer surveys SW Qld 2001
Common BronzewingPhaps chalcoptera1 (50.00%)
Rainbow Bee-eaterMerops ornatus1 (50.00%)
Laughing KookaburraDacelo novaeguineae1 (50.00%)
Red-rumped ParrotPsephotus haematonotus1 (50.00%)
Mulga ParrotPsephotellus varius2 (100.00%)
BudgerigarMelopsittacus undulatus1 (50.00%)
White-eared HoneyeaterNesoptilotis leucotis2 (100.00%)
Brown-headed HoneyeaterMelithreptus brevirostris1 (50.00%)
Pied HoneyeaterCerthionyx variegatus1 (50.00%)
Crimson ChatEpthianura tricolor1 (50.00%)
Spiny-cheeked HoneyeaterAcanthagenys rufogularis1 (50.00%)
Yellow-plumed HoneyeaterPtilotula ornata1 (50.00%)
WeebillSmicrornis brevirostris2 (100.00%)
Southern WhitefaceAphelocephala leucopsis1 (50.00%)
Yellow-rumped ThornbillAcanthiza chrysorrhoa1 (50.00%)
Inland ThornbillAcanthiza apicalis1 (50.00%)
Varied SittellaDaphoenositta chrysoptera1 (50.00%)
Black-faced Cuckoo-shrikeCoracina novaehollandiae2 (100.00%)
Rufous WhistlerPachycephala rufiventris1 (50.00%)
Grey Shrike-thrushColluricincla harmonica2 (100.00%)
Crested BellbirdOreoica gutturalis2 (100.00%)
Pied ButcherbirdCracticus nigrogularis1 (50.00%)
Masked WoodswallowArtamus personatus1 (50.00%)
Willie WagtailRhipidura leucophrys1 (50.00%)
Jacky WinterMicroeca fascinans1 (50.00%)