Survey Point | Yarranjerry SF camp NSW |
Latitude | -34.4644444 (34° 27′ 52″ S) |
Longitude | 147.1019444 (147° 6′ 7″ E) |
From my Yarranjerry SF site at the top of the reserve follow the track marked as picnic spot down to the southern end of the park, few people get to this secluded spot in the middle of the forest, there are no facilities. There is a large dam here.
Camp rating 9, there is no established camp here and no facilities.
Surveys done 1
Mareeba wetlands coastal route to Maroochydore, Newell hwy to Ocean Grove Vic 2016
Pacific Black DuckAnas superciliosa1 (100.00%)
Grey TealAnas gracilis1 (100.00%)
Australian Wood DuckChenonetta jubata1 (100.00%)
Australasian GrebeTachybaptus novaehollandiae1 (100.00%)
Common BronzewingPhaps chalcoptera1 (100.00%)
Crested PigeonOcyphaps lophotes1 (100.00%)
Peaceful DoveGeopelia placida1 (100.00%)
Australian Owlet-nightjarAegotheles cristatus1 (100.00%)
White-necked HeronArdea pacifica1 (100.00%)
Barking OwlNinox connivens1 (100.00%)
Sacred KingfisherTodiramphus sanctus1 (100.00%)
Laughing KookaburraDacelo novaeguineae1 (100.00%)
GalahEolophus roseicapilla1 (100.00%)
Red-rumped ParrotPsephotus haematonotus1 (100.00%)
White-throated TreecreeperCormobates leucophaea1 (100.00%)
Striped HoneyeaterPlectorhyncha lanceolata1 (100.00%)
Brown-headed HoneyeaterMelithreptus brevirostris1 (100.00%)
Spiny-cheeked HoneyeaterAcanthagenys rufogularis1 (100.00%)
White-plumed HoneyeaterPtilotula penicillata1 (100.00%)
White-winged TrillerLalage tricolor1 (100.00%)
Grey Shrike-thrushColluricincla harmonica1 (100.00%)
Australian MagpieGymnorhina tibicen1 (100.00%)
Masked WoodswallowArtamus personatus1 (100.00%)
White-browed WoodswallowArtamus superciliosus1 (100.00%)
Willie WagtailRhipidura leucophrys1 (100.00%)
Magpie-larkGrallina cyanoleuca1 (100.00%)
White-winged ChoughCorcorax melanorhamphos1 (100.00%)
ApostlebirdStruthidea cinerea1 (100.00%)
Jacky WinterMicroeca fascinans1 (100.00%)
Rufous SonglarkCincloramphus mathewsi1 (100.00%)
Fairy MartinPetrochelidon ariel1 (100.00%)
Tree MartinPetrochelidon nigricans1 (100.00%)
Welcome SwallowHirundo neoxena1 (100.00%)