Tuen Ck Qld

Survey Point Tuen Ck Qld
Latitude -28.5641700 (28° 33′ 51″ S)
Longitude 145.7108300 (145° 42′ 39″ E)

At the locality of Tuen, the Tuen Ck crosses the Mitchell Hwy, to the west side of the bridge it’s possible to get off the highway on an unmarked track. The site takes in the confluence with the Curbine Ck to the west. There is a thin line of remnant habitat along the creeklines in otherwise open farmalnd.

Camp rating 6

Surveys done 2

Blogs: Grasswren surveys 2008, Melbourne to Adels Grove Qld 2016,

  • Crested Pigeon
    Ocyphaps lophotes
    1 (50.00%)
  • Peaceful Dove
    Geopelia placida
    1 (50.00%)
  • White-necked Heron
    Ardea pacifica
    1 (50.00%)
  • Black-shouldered Kite
    Elanus axillaris
    1 (50.00%)
  • Black Kite
    Milvus migrans
    2 (100.00%)
  • Barn Owl
    Tyto alba
    1 (50.00%)
  • Sacred Kingfisher
    Todiramphus sanctus
    1 (50.00%)
  • Galah
    Eolophus roseicapilla
    1 (50.00%)
  • Australian Ringneck
    Barnardius zonarius
    1 (50.00%)
  • Brown Treecreeper
    Climacteris picumnus
    1 (50.00%)
  • White-plumed Honeyeater
    Ptilotula penicillata
    2 (100.00%)
  • Yellow-throated Miner
    Manorina flavigula
    1 (50.00%)
  • Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike
    Coracina novaehollandiae
    1 (50.00%)
  • Grey Shrike-thrush
    Colluricincla harmonica
    2 (100.00%)
  • Australian Magpie
    Gymnorhina tibicen
    1 (50.00%)
  • Pied Butcherbird
    Cracticus nigrogularis
    1 (50.00%)
  • Willie Wagtail
    Rhipidura leucophrys
    2 (100.00%)
  • Australian Raven
    Corvus coronoides
    1 (50.00%)
  • Restless Flycatcher
    Myiagra inquieta
    1 (50.00%)
  • Magpie-lark
    Grallina cyanoleuca
    1 (50.00%)
  • Jacky Winter
    Microeca fascinans
    1 (50.00%)