Trinita Rd west of Trinita Vic

Survey Point Trinita Rd west of Trinita Vic
Latitude -34.8983300 (34° 53′ 54″ S)
Longitude 142.1930600 (142° 11′ 35″ E)

The site is located half way in between two arms of the Sunset NP that reach down to the road to the west and east. A small farm track heads south here. There is a 50m wide strip of habitat along the roadside in otherwise cleared farmland.

No camping is advised here

Surveys done 1


Calder Hwy, Sunset NP, Silver City Hwy, Sturt NP, Strzelecki track, Danggali, Ngarkat, Coorong 2013/14

  • Crested Pigeon
    Ocyphaps lophotes
    1 (100.00%)
  • Australian Ringneck
    Barnardius zonarius
    1 (100.00%)
  • Striated Pardalote
    Pardalotus striatus
    1 (100.00%)
  • Weebill
    Smicrornis brevirostris
    1 (100.00%)
  • Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike
    Coracina novaehollandiae
    1 (100.00%)
  • Australian Magpie
    Gymnorhina tibicen
    1 (100.00%)
  • Willie Wagtail
    Rhipidura leucophrys
    1 (100.00%)