Survey Point | Terranora Broadwater north shore Qld |
Latitude | -28.1980600 (28° 11′ 53″ S) |
Longitude | 153.5019400 (153° 30′ 7″ E) |
About 2km west of the Pacific Hwy from Tweed heads, best parking is on Birds bay Dr off Scenic Dr. On the northern shore this site has access to the walk along the shore. The hillside is still well forested.
No camping is allowed here
Surveys done 1
Yarra ranges, high country, ACT, coastal NSW and hinterland, Lamington NP Qld 2014
Pacific Black DuckAnas superciliosa1 (100.00%)
Brown Cuckoo-DoveMacropygia phasianella1 (100.00%)
Australian Pied OystercatcherHaematopus longirostris1 (100.00%)
Silver GullChroicocephalus novaehollandiae1 (100.00%)
Caspian TernHydroprogne caspia1 (100.00%)
Crested TernThalasseus bergii1 (100.00%)
Australian PelicanPelecanus conspicillatus1 (100.00%)
Great EgretArdea alba1 (100.00%)
Australian White IbisThreskiornis moluccus1 (100.00%)
Little Pied CormorantMicrocarbo melanoleucos1 (100.00%)
Great CormorantPhalacrocorax carbo1 (100.00%)
Little Black CormorantPhalacrocorax sulcirostris1 (100.00%)
Pied CormorantPhalacrocorax varius1 (100.00%)
Australasian DarterAnhinga novaehollandiae1 (100.00%)
Whistling KiteHaliastur sphenurus1 (100.00%)
Sacred KingfisherTodiramphus sanctus1 (100.00%)
Rainbow LorikeetTrichoglossus moluccanus1 (100.00%)
Noisy FriarbirdPhilemon corniculatus1 (100.00%)
Lewin’s HoneyeaterMeliphaga lewinii1 (100.00%)
Noisy MinerManorina melanocephala1 (100.00%)
White-browed ScrubwrenSericornis frontalis1 (100.00%)
Brown ThornbillAcanthiza pusilla1 (100.00%)
Pied CurrawongStrepera graculina1 (100.00%)
Willie WagtailRhipidura leucophrys1 (100.00%)
Grey FantailRhipidura fuliginosa1 (100.00%)
Torresian CrowCorvus orru1 (100.00%)
Magpie-larkGrallina cyanoleuca1 (100.00%)
MistletoebirdDicaeum hirundinaceum1 (100.00%)
SilvereyeZosterops lateralis1 (100.00%)