Strzelecki Tk Indon Station SA

Survey Point Strzelecki Tk Indon Station SA
Latitude -28.6858300 (28° 41′ 9″ S)
Longitude 140.1486100 (140° 8′ 55″ E)

About 14km south of the junction with the Old Strzelecki Tk/Riecks Rd there is sparse vegetation on the flats and the sand dunes to the east here.

No camping is advised here


Calder Hwy, Sunset NP, Silver City Hwy, Sturt NP, Strzelecki track, Danggali, Ngarkat, Coorong 2013/14

  • Black-breasted Buzzard
    Hamirostra melanosternon
    1 (100.00%)
  • White-winged Fairy-wren
    Malurus leucopterus
    1 (100.00%)
  • Singing Honeyeater
    Gavicalis virescens
    1 (100.00%)
  • Cinnamon Quail-thrush
    Cinclosoma cinnamomeum
    1 (100.00%)