Survey Point | strzelecki Ck SA |
Latitude | -28.5938900 (28° 35′ 38″ S) |
Longitude | 140.2716700 (140° 16′ 18″ E) |
The site is on Riecks Rd just to the west of the Old Strzelcki Track and just north of the Mery Merty Homestead, the creek is typical with woodland along the watercouse and rather sparse away from it.
Camp rating 5 there is no established camp here
Surveys done 2
Western NSW, Western Qld, Grasswren surveys, Cape Melville Track, Cairns 2009
Rainbow Bee-eaterMerops ornatus1 (50.00%)
Brown FalconFalco berigora1 (50.00%)
Singing HoneyeaterGavicalis virescens2 (100.00%)
White-plumed HoneyeaterPtilotula penicillata1 (50.00%)
Red-browed PardalotePardalotus rubricatus1 (50.00%)
Southern WhitefaceAphelocephala leucopsis1 (50.00%)
Black-faced Cuckoo-shrikeCoracina novaehollandiae1 (50.00%)
Black-faced WoodswallowArtamus cinereus2 (100.00%)
Willie WagtailRhipidura leucophrys2 (100.00%)
Magpie-larkGrallina cyanoleuca2 (100.00%)
MistletoebirdDicaeum hirundinaceum1 (50.00%)
Tree MartinPetrochelidon nigricans1 (50.00%)