Survey Point | Split Billabong/Corduroy Ck Normanton Qld |
Latitude | -17.6611100 (17° 39′ 40″ S) |
Longitude | 141.1019400 (141° 6′ 7″ E) |
The second water crossing out of Normanton on the Karumba Rd is Corduroy Ck, it’s a bit of a disappointing site, the wetlands aren’t all that productive, and there’s little else in the way of quality habitat. At low tide there is evidence of the original log slat ford across the creek on the east side.
No camping advised here.
Surveys done 5
Adels Grove to Mareeba wetlands 2016
Grasswren surveys and N Queensland 2017
NW Queensland and grasswren surveys 2016
Birdsville track and Cape York trip 2015
Crested PigeonOcyphaps lophotes1 (20.00%)
Peaceful DoveGeopelia placida1 (20.00%)
Sarus CraneAntigone antigone3 (60.00%)
BrolgaAntigone rubicunda4 (80.00%)
Black-winged StiltHimantopus leucocephalus1 (20.00%)
Black-fronted DotterelElseyornis melanops1 (20.00%)
Masked LapwingVanellus miles2 (40.00%)
Australian PelicanPelecanus conspicillatus3 (60.00%)
White-necked HeronArdea pacifica1 (20.00%)
Great EgretArdea alba4 (80.00%)
Intermediate EgretArdea intermedia1 (20.00%)
Pied HeronEgretta picata1 (20.00%)
White-faced HeronEgretta novaehollandiae1 (20.00%)
Australian White IbisThreskiornis moluccus3 (60.00%)
Straw-necked IbisThreskiornis spinicollis1 (20.00%)
Australasian DarterAnhinga novaehollandiae1 (20.00%)
Black-breasted BuzzardHamirostra melanosternon1 (20.00%)
Brown GoshawkAccipiter fasciatus1 (20.00%)
Whistling KiteHaliastur sphenurus3 (60.00%)
Black KiteMilvus migrans5 (100.00%)
Rainbow Bee-eaterMerops ornatus1 (20.00%)
Brown FalconFalco berigora1 (20.00%)
Variegated Fairy-wrenMalurus lamberti1 (20.00%)
Brown HoneyeaterLichmera indistincta1 (20.00%)
Rufous-throated HoneyeaterConopophila rufogularis1 (20.00%)
Striated PardalotePardalotus striatus2 (40.00%)
Rufous WhistlerPachycephala rufiventris1 (20.00%)
Willie WagtailRhipidura leucophrys2 (40.00%)
Australian RavenCorvus coronoides1 (20.00%)
Restless FlycatcherMyiagra inquieta1 (20.00%)
Magpie-larkGrallina cyanoleuca1 (20.00%)
Zebra FinchTaeniopygia guttata1 (20.00%)
Australasian PipitAnthus novaeseelandiae2 (40.00%)
Golden-headed CisticolaCisticola exilis1 (20.00%)