Small mast W of Boulia Qld

Survey Point Small mast west of Boulia Qld
Latitude -22.9552800 (22° 57′ 19″ S)
Longitude 139.4755600 (139° 28′ 32″ E)

On the Donohue Hwy about 44km west of Boulia, the area is sparse shrubland with the odd tree. The mast is on the south side of the road, a creekline runs parallel on the north side of the road.

Camp rating 6 it’s not far off the road and there’s no established camp here.

Surveys done 1


Central NSW, SW Qld, Plenty hwy, Stuart hwy 2012/13

  • Cinnamon Quail-thrush
    Cinclosoma cinnamomeum
    1 (100.00%)