Survey Point | Settlement Rd Sunset NP Vic |
Latitude | -34.5413900 (34° 32′ 29″ S) |
Longitude | 140.9650000 (140° 57′ 54″ E) |
Just inside the park this is edge habitat, with the good woodland of the National Park on one side and farmland nearby. It’s about 7km east of Taplan.
Camp rating 5 There is no established camp here but plenty of places to prop.
Surveys done 1
Rainbow Bee-eaterMerops ornatus1 (100.00%)
GalahEolophus roseicapilla1 (100.00%)
Brown-headed HoneyeaterMelithreptus brevirostris1 (100.00%)
Spiny-cheeked HoneyeaterAcanthagenys rufogularis1 (100.00%)
WeebillSmicrornis brevirostris1 (100.00%)
Southern WhitefaceAphelocephala leucopsis1 (100.00%)
White-browed BabblerPomatostomus superciliosus1 (100.00%)
Grey Shrike-thrushColluricincla harmonica1 (100.00%)
Grey ButcherbirdCracticus torquatus1 (100.00%)
Masked WoodswallowArtamus personatus1 (100.00%)
White-browed WoodswallowArtamus superciliosus1 (100.00%)
Willie WagtailRhipidura leucophrys1 (100.00%)
Little RavenCorvus mellori1 (100.00%)
White-winged ChoughCorcorax melanorhamphos1 (100.00%)
ApostlebirdStruthidea cinerea1 (100.00%)
Tree MartinPetrochelidon nigricans1 (100.00%)