Survey Point | Pinnaroo Sewerage SA |
Latitude | -35.2602800 (35° 15′ 37″ S) |
Longitude | 140.9183300 (140° 55′ 6″ E) |
On the North side of the road as you come in to town from the East, there is no access to this site, but it is easy to see the birds on the water from the busy road. There is a small woodland on the south side of the road that can be teeming with birds, and the gardens of the houses are well worth checking out.
No camping is allowed here
Surveys done 2
Birdsville track and Cape York trip 2015
HardheadAythya australis1 (33.33%)
Pacific Black DuckAnas superciliosa3 (100.00%)
Grey TealAnas gracilis2 (66.67%)
Australian Wood DuckChenonetta jubata1 (33.33%)
Australasian GrebeTachybaptus novaehollandiae3 (100.00%)
Crested PigeonOcyphaps lophotes3 (100.00%)
Peaceful DoveGeopelia placida1 (33.33%)
Eurasian CootFulica atra1 (33.33%)
Black-fronted DotterelElseyornis melanops1 (33.33%)
Masked LapwingVanellus miles3 (100.00%)
White-necked HeronArdea pacifica1 (33.33%)
Straw-necked IbisThreskiornis spinicollis1 (33.33%)
Little Pied CormorantMicrocarbo melanoleucos1 (33.33%)
Nankeen KestrelFalco cenchroides1 (33.33%)
New Holland HoneyeaterPhylidonyris novaehollandiae3 (100.00%)
Brown-headed HoneyeaterMelithreptus brevirostris2 (66.67%)
Red WattlebirdAnthochaera carunculata3 (100.00%)
Singing HoneyeaterGavicalis virescens1 (33.33%)
WeebillSmicrornis brevirostris1 (33.33%)
Yellow-rumped ThornbillAcanthiza chrysorrhoa1 (33.33%)
Chestnut-rumped ThornbillAcanthiza uropygialis1 (33.33%)
Australian MagpieGymnorhina tibicen1 (33.33%)
Willie WagtailRhipidura leucophrys3 (100.00%)
Little RavenCorvus mellori2 (66.67%)
Restless FlycatcherMyiagra inquieta1 (33.33%)
Magpie-larkGrallina cyanoleuca3 (100.00%)
House SparrowPasser domesticus3 (100.00%)
Tree MartinPetrochelidon nigricans1 (33.33%)
Welcome SwallowHirundo neoxena3 (100.00%)
Common StarlingSturnus vulgaris3 (100.00%)
Common BlackbirdTurdus merula2 (66.67%)