Survey Point | Pine Hut Soak Scorpion Springs CP SA |
Latitude | -35.4258300 (35° 25′ 33″ S) |
Longitude | 140.8783300 (140° 52′ 42″ E) |
Part of Ngarkat, this is a designated campsite with fees. Located at the top end of the park on Centre Tk at the junction with Scorpion Springs Tk, there is good Mallee woodland here.
Camp rating 6 The campsite has fees and is nothing spectacular
Surveys done 2
Fan-tailed CuckooCacomantis flabelliformis1 (50.00%)
Australian Owlet-nightjarAegotheles cristatus1 (50.00%)
Rainbow Bee-eaterMerops ornatus1 (50.00%)
GalahEolophus roseicapilla2 (100.00%)
White-eared HoneyeaterNesoptilotis leucotis1 (50.00%)
Spiny-cheeked HoneyeaterAcanthagenys rufogularis1 (50.00%)
Red WattlebirdAnthochaera carunculata1 (50.00%)
Yellow-plumed HoneyeaterPtilotula ornata1 (50.00%)
White-fronted HoneyeaterPurnella albifrons1 (50.00%)
Spotted PardalotePardalotus punctatus1 (50.00%)
WeebillSmicrornis brevirostris1 (50.00%)
Yellow-rumped ThornbillAcanthiza chrysorrhoa1 (50.00%)
Chestnut-rumped ThornbillAcanthiza uropygialis1 (50.00%)
Varied SittellaDaphoenositta chrysoptera1 (50.00%)
Rufous WhistlerPachycephala rufiventris1 (50.00%)
Golden WhistlerPachycephala pectoralis1 (50.00%)
Grey Shrike-thrushColluricincla harmonica1 (50.00%)
Grey ButcherbirdCracticus torquatus1 (50.00%)
Grey FantailRhipidura fuliginosa1 (50.00%)
Little RavenCorvus mellori1 (50.00%)
Red-capped RobinPetroica goodenovii1 (50.00%)
Jacky WinterMicroeca fascinans1 (50.00%)
Hooded RobinMelanodryas cucullata1 (50.00%)
Welcome SwallowHirundo neoxena1 (50.00%)
SilvereyeZosterops lateralis1 (50.00%)