Survey Point | No8 Bore Mulga Park Rd NT |
Latitude | -25.9547222 (25° 57′ 17″ S) |
Longitude | 132.7755556 (132° 46′ 32″ E) |
About 45km west of the Stuart Hwy The bore is no longer active, but there is good woodland here.
Camp rating 7, there are a few tracks here to get you off the main track, this is not an established campsite
Surveys done 1
Common BronzewingPhaps chalcoptera1 (100.00%)
Splendid Fairy-wrenMalurus splendens1 (100.00%)
Singing HoneyeaterGavicalis virescens1 (100.00%)
Yellow-rumped ThornbillAcanthiza chrysorrhoa1 (100.00%)
Rufous WhistlerPachycephala rufiventris1 (100.00%)
Red-capped RobinPetroica goodenovii1 (100.00%)
MistletoebirdDicaeum hirundinaceum1 (100.00%)
Zebra FinchTaeniopygia guttata1 (100.00%)