Survey Point | Mt Lewis 1 Qld |
Latitude | -16.5772200 (16° 34′ 38″ S) |
Longitude | 145.3061100 (145° 18′ 22″ E) |
This site is on the Mt Lewis Rd leading up the mountain about 5km from the Mount Molloy Rd, there is a spot to park your car and just wander up and down the road and see what you can find in this wonderland in thick steep forest.
No camping advised here
Surveys done 2
Birdsville track and Cape York trip 2015
Brown Cuckoo-DoveMacropygia phasianella1 (50.00%)
Brown-capped Emerald-DoveChalcophaps longirostris1 (50.00%)
Wompoo Fruit-DovePtilinopus magnificus1 (50.00%)
Shining Bronze-CuckooChalcites lucidus1 (50.00%)
Sulphur-crested CockatooCacatua galerita1 (50.00%)
Eastern SpinebillAcanthorhynchus tenuirostris1 (50.00%)
Lewin’s HoneyeaterMeliphaga lewinii1 (50.00%)
Yellow-spotted HoneyeaterMeliphaga notata1 (50.00%)
Graceful HoneyeaterMicroptilotis gracilis1 (50.00%)
Brown GerygoneGerygone mouki2 (100.00%)
Large-billed GerygoneGerygone magnirostris1 (50.00%)
Atherton ScrubwrenSericornis keri1 (50.00%)
Large-billed ScrubwrenSericornis magnirostra1 (50.00%)
ChowchillaOrthonyx spaldingii1 (50.00%)
Golden WhistlerPachycephala pectoralis1 (50.00%)
Eastern WhipbirdPsophodes olivaceus1 (50.00%)
Rufous FantailRhipidura rufifrons1 (50.00%)
Spectacled MonarchSymposiarchus trivirgatus1 (50.00%)
Pale-yellow RobinTregellasia capito1 (50.00%)
SilvereyeZosterops lateralis1 (50.00%)
Bassian ThrushZoothera lunulata1 (50.00%)