Survey Point | Mejum SF Oaklands Rd NSW |
Latitude | -34.5350000 (34° 32′ 6″ S) |
Longitude | 146.6950000 (146° 41′ 42″ E) |
On the Barellan Rd 13km NE of Narrandera, Kamarah Rd heads east then swings north, the site is at the T junction with Oaklands Rd about 20km along. There is good woodland on three sides here, the SE corner is very open farmland.
No camping is advised here
Surveys done 2
Mareeba wetlands coastal route to Maroochydore, Newell hwy to Ocean Grove Vic 2016
Common BronzewingPhaps chalcoptera1 (50.00%)
Crested PigeonOcyphaps lophotes1 (50.00%)
White-necked HeronArdea pacifica1 (50.00%)
GalahEolophus roseicapilla1 (50.00%)
Australian RingneckBarnardius zonarius1 (50.00%)
Brown-headed HoneyeaterMelithreptus brevirostris1 (50.00%)
Noisy MinerManorina melanocephala1 (50.00%)
Spotted PardalotePardalotus punctatus1 (50.00%)
Western GerygoneGerygone fusca1 (50.00%)
WeebillSmicrornis brevirostris1 (50.00%)
Speckled WarblerPyrrholaemus sagittatus1 (50.00%)
Southern WhitefaceAphelocephala leucopsis1 (50.00%)
Yellow-rumped ThornbillAcanthiza chrysorrhoa2 (100.00%)
Inland ThornbillAcanthiza apicalis1 (50.00%)
Chestnut-rumped ThornbillAcanthiza uropygialis2 (100.00%)
Rufous WhistlerPachycephala rufiventris1 (50.00%)
Grey Shrike-thrushColluricincla harmonica1 (50.00%)
Australian MagpieGymnorhina tibicen1 (50.00%)
Grey ButcherbirdCracticus torquatus1 (50.00%)
Willie WagtailRhipidura leucophrys1 (50.00%)
Grey FantailRhipidura fuliginosa1 (50.00%)
ApostlebirdStruthidea cinerea1 (50.00%)
Red-capped RobinPetroica goodenovii1 (50.00%)
MistletoebirdDicaeum hirundinaceum1 (50.00%)
Tree MartinPetrochelidon nigricans1 (50.00%)