Louis Lookout Borden WA

Survey PointLouis Lookout Borden WA
Latitude-34.0255700 (34° 1′ 32″ S)
Longitude118.2726100 (118° 16′ 21″ E)

On the corner of Chester Pass Rd and the Gnowangerup Jerramungup Rd a few kilometres north of Borden, there are a few big trees here amid the open farmland.

Camp rating 3 It’s not far from the roads, there are no facilities.

Surveys done 2


Western Australia 2021-22

  • Stubble Quail Coturnix pectoralis 1 (50.00%)
  • Australian Ringneck Barnardius zonarius 1 (50.00%)
  • Yellow-throated Miner Manorina flavigula 2 (100.00%)
  • Striated Pardalote Pardalotus striatus 1 (50.00%)
  • Australian Magpie Gymnorhina tibicen 1 (50.00%)
  • Australian Raven Corvus coronoides 1 (50.00%)