Survey Point | Lake Houdraman Qld |
Latitude | -26.5852800 (26° 35′ 7″ S) |
Longitude | 144.3063900 (144° 18′ 23″ E) |
About 4km east of Quilpie on the Diamantina Development Rd Adavale Black Rd heads north, about 2km along it the main track into the lake heads east to the west edge of the lake. The lake is not a reserve so there is a free for all here, despite that, it being at least semi-permanent water it attracts a lot of birds, and has a good ring of trees around it.
Camp rating 7 there are no facilities and looks ratty.
Surveys done 2
Central NSW, SW Qld, Plenty hwy, Stuart hwy 2012/13
Northern Vic, Central NSW and central Qld 2013
EmuDromaius novaehollandiae1 (50.00%)
HardheadAythya australis1 (50.00%)
Pacific Black DuckAnas superciliosa2 (100.00%)
Grey TealAnas gracilis2 (100.00%)
Australian Wood DuckChenonetta jubata1 (50.00%)
Crested PigeonOcyphaps lophotes1 (50.00%)
Peaceful DoveGeopelia placida1 (50.00%)
Black-tailed Native-henTribonyx ventralis1 (50.00%)
Eurasian CootFulica atra2 (100.00%)
Black-fronted DotterelElseyornis melanops2 (100.00%)
Masked LapwingVanellus miles1 (50.00%)
Red-kneed DotterelErythrogonys cinctus1 (50.00%)
Australian PratincoleStiltia isabella1 (50.00%)
Whiskered TernChlidonias hybrida1 (50.00%)
Australian PelicanPelecanus conspicillatus2 (100.00%)
Nankeen Night-HeronNycticorax caledonicus1 (50.00%)
White-necked HeronArdea pacifica2 (100.00%)
Great EgretArdea alba2 (100.00%)
Australian White IbisThreskiornis moluccus2 (100.00%)
Yellow-billed SpoonbillPlatalea flavipes2 (100.00%)
Royal SpoonbillPlatalea regia2 (100.00%)
Glossy IbisPlegadis falcinellus1 (50.00%)
Australasian DarterAnhinga novaehollandiae1 (50.00%)
Whistling KiteHaliastur sphenurus2 (100.00%)
Black KiteMilvus migrans1 (50.00%)
Sacred KingfisherTodiramphus sanctus2 (100.00%)
CockatielNymphicus hollandicus1 (50.00%)
BudgerigarMelopsittacus undulatus1 (50.00%)
Variegated Fairy-wrenMalurus lamberti1 (50.00%)
Little FriarbirdPhilemon citreogularis1 (50.00%)
White-plumed HoneyeaterPtilotula penicillata2 (100.00%)
Yellow-throated MinerManorina flavigula2 (100.00%)
Black-faced Cuckoo-shrikeCoracina novaehollandiae2 (100.00%)
White-breasted WoodswallowArtamus leucorynchus2 (100.00%)
Willie WagtailRhipidura leucophrys2 (100.00%)
Magpie-larkGrallina cyanoleuca2 (100.00%)
Zebra FinchTaeniopygia guttata1 (50.00%)
Brown SonglarkCincloramphus cruralis1 (50.00%)
Fairy MartinPetrochelidon ariel2 (100.00%)
Welcome SwallowHirundo neoxena1 (50.00%)