Survey Point | Kathleen Spring Kings Canyon (Watarrka) NP NT |
Latitude | -24.3427778 (24° 20′ 34″ S) |
Longitude | 131.6794444 (131° 40′ 46″ E) |
The site is signposted off the Laritja Rd about 20km east of Kings Canyon Campground. A short easy walk leads to a rock pool through good desert habitat, return the same way.
No camping is allowed here
Surveys done 1
Crested PigeonOcyphaps lophotes1 (100.00%)
Diamond DoveGeopelia cuneata1 (100.00%)
Brown GoshawkAccipiter fasciatus1 (100.00%)
Red-backed KingfisherTodiramphus pyrrhopygius1 (100.00%)
Nankeen KestrelFalco cenchroides1 (100.00%)
BudgerigarMelopsittacus undulatus1 (100.00%)
Spiny-cheeked HoneyeaterAcanthagenys rufogularis1 (100.00%)
White-plumed HoneyeaterPtilotula penicillata1 (100.00%)
Red-browed PardalotePardalotus rubricatus1 (100.00%)
WeebillSmicrornis brevirostris1 (100.00%)
Black-faced Cuckoo-shrikeCoracina novaehollandiae1 (100.00%)
Masked WoodswallowArtamus personatus1 (100.00%)
Willie WagtailRhipidura leucophrys1 (100.00%)
Zebra FinchTaeniopygia guttata1 (100.00%)
White-backed SwallowCheramoeca leucosterna1 (100.00%)
airy MartinPetrochelidon ariel1 (100.00%)
Slater’s Ring-tailed Dragon