Survey Point | Gibber plain & gully Lake Eyre SA |
Latitude | -28.7666700 (28° 46′ 0″ S) |
Longitude | 136.8002800 (136° 48′ 1″ E) |
About 10km west of Lake Eyre the site is near where the road to Halligans Bay camp swings to the west. The dry gully flows into Cooinchina Ck a few kilometres to the north. The gibber plain has little vegetation, but is worth looking around for the Gibberbird. The gully is quite well vegetated and is where you’ll find most birds.
No camping allowed here
Surveys done 2
Stuart Hwy, Tablelands Hwy, Kakadu, Flinders Ranges 08-09
Anne Beadell Hwy, SW WA, Nullarbor plain 2014
EmuDromaius novaehollandiae1 (50.00%)
Crested PigeonOcyphaps lophotes1 (50.00%)
Bourke’s ParrotNeopsephotus bourkii1 (50.00%)
BudgerigarMelopsittacus undulatus1 (50.00%)
GibberbirdAshbyia lovensis1 (50.00%)
Singing HoneyeaterGavicalis virescens1 (50.00%)
Cinnamon Quail-thrushCinclosoma cinnamomeum1 (50.00%)
Chirruping WedgebillPsophodes cristatus1 (50.00%)
Black-faced WoodswallowArtamus cinereus2 (100.00%)
Zebra FinchTaeniopygia guttata1 (50.00%)
Australasian PipitAnthus novaeseelandiae1 (50.00%)
Brown SonglarkCincloramphus cruralis1 (50.00%)