Euro Loop Dales Gorge camp Karijini NP WA

Survey Point Euro Loop Dales Gorge camp Karijini NP WA
Latitude -22.4705700 (22° 28′ 14″ S)
Longitude 118.5556200 (118° 33′ 20″ E)

Access is off the Great Northern Hwy and Karijini Dr, then in the park head towards the visitor centre along Banjima Dr, taking Dales Rd down to the campsite. There’s a stand of Dessert Oaks here, and a short walk will get you down to Circular Pool or Fern Pool in the gorge.

Surveys done 2

Blogs: SW WA and Great Northern Hwy to Broome 2019

  • Common Bronzewing
    Phaps chalcoptera
    1 (50.00%)
  • Crested Pigeon
    Ocyphaps lophotes
    2 (100.00%)
  • Australian Bustard
    Ardeotis australis
    2 (100.00%)
  • Blue-winged Kookaburra
    Dacelo leachii
    2 (100.00%)
  • Nankeen Kestrel
    Falco cenchroides
    1 (50.00%)
  • Australian Hobby
    Falco longipennis
    1 (50.00%)
  • Brown Falcon
    Falco berigora
    2 (100.00%)
  • Galah
    Eolophus roseicapilla
    2 (100.00%)
  • Australian Ringneck
    Barnardius zonarius
    1 (50.00%)
  • Western Bowerbird
    Ptilonorhynchus guttatus
    1 (50.00%)
  • Brown Honeyeater
    Lichmera indistincta
    1 (50.00%)
  • White-plumed Honeyeater
    Ptilotula penicillata
    1 (50.00%)
  • Weebill
    Smicrornis brevirostris
    2 (100.00%)
  • Grey-crowned Babbler
    Pomatostomus temporalis
    2 (100.00%)
  • Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike
    Coracina novaehollandiae
    2 (100.00%)
  • Pied Butcherbird
    Cracticus nigrogularis
    2 (100.00%)
  • Willie Wagtail
    Rhipidura leucophrys
    1 (50.00%)
  • Torresian Crow
    Corvus orru
    2 (100.00%)
  • Magpie-lark
    Grallina cyanoleuca
    1 (50.00%)
  • Red-capped Robin
    Petroica goodenovii
    1 (50.00%)

Circular Pool

Australian Tiger Dragonfly