Survey Point | Erudina Station W SA |
Latitude | -31.4997200 (31° 29′ 59″ S) |
Longitude | 139.2747200 (139° 16′ 29″ E) |
About 12km W of the station on the Erudina Rd, this is open country.
Surveys done 1
Species list
- Emu Dromaius novaehollandiae 1 (100.00%)
- Crested Pigeon Ocyphaps lophotes 1 (100.00%)
- White-winged Fairy-wren Malurus leucopterus 1 (100.00%)
- Thick-billed Grasswren Amytornis modestus 1 (100.00%)
- Mistletoebird Dicaeum hirundinaceum 1 (100.00%)
- Zebra Finch Taeniopygia guttata 1 (100.00%)