Cape Melville Track 8 Qld

Survey Point Cape Melville Track 8 Qld
Latitude -14.8525000 (14° 51′ 9″ S)
Longitude 145.0338900 (145° 2′ 2″ E)

On the Wakooka Rd, its about 3km south of the Starke River access junction. Mount Gargaal lies 2km to the SW and the tidal flats are about 1km to the east through the scrub.

Surveys done 1

Blogs: Western NSW, Western Qld, Diamantina NP, Grasswren surveys, Cape Melville Track, Cairns 2009,

  • Bar-shouldered Dove
    Geopelia humeralis
    1 (100.00%)
  • Rainbow Bee-eater
    Merops ornatus
    1 (100.00%)
  • White-throated Honeyeater
    Melithreptus albogularis
    1 (100.00%)
  • White-winged Triller
    Lalage tricolor
    1 (100.00%)
  • White-browed Woodswallow
    Artamus superciliosus
    1 (100.00%)
  • Leaden Flycatcher
    Myiagra rubecula
    1 (100.00%)