Survey Point | Birregurra Ck dam Vic |
Latitude | -38.3022200 (38° 18′ 8″ S) |
Longitude | 143.7600000 (143° 45′ 36″ E) |
I’m not sure of the status of this site. Called Lake Ayrey, there is an unlocked gate to give access to the site on the side of the main road. The site is some 17km east of Colac on the Princess Hwy, just west of Ayreys Reserve Rd. Once in the area, there is usually long grass to wade through, then a plantation, to get to what is sometimes a dam, and other times more grass.
No camping is advised here.
Surveys done 3
Blogs: Victoria’s SW coast and Princess Hwy 2016,
Black SwanCygnus atratus2 (66.67%)
Australasian ShovelerSpatula rhynchotis1 (33.33%)
Pacific Black DuckAnas superciliosa1 (33.33%)
Fan-tailed CuckooCacomantis flabelliformis1 (33.33%)
Purple SwamphenPorphyrio porphyrio2 (66.67%)
BrolgaAntigone rubicunda1 (33.33%)
Black-winged StiltHimantopus leucocephalus2 (66.67%)
Masked LapwingVanellus miles1 (33.33%)
Sharp-tailed SandpiperCalidris acuminata1 (33.33%)
Whiskered TernChlidonias hybrida1 (33.33%)
White-necked HeronArdea pacifica2 (66.67%)
White-faced HeronEgretta novaehollandiae1 (33.33%)
Yellow-billed SpoonbillPlatalea flavipes1 (33.33%)
Brown FalconFalco berigora1 (33.33%)
Crimson RosellaPlatycercus elegans1 (33.33%)
Purple-crowned LorikeetGlossopsitta porphyrocephala1 (33.33%)
Superb Fairy-wrenMalurus cyaneus3 (100.00%)
White-fronted ChatEpthianura albifrons1 (33.33%)
Red WattlebirdAnthochaera carunculata2 (66.67%)
White-plumed HoneyeaterPtilotula penicillata2 (66.67%)
Grey Shrike-thrushColluricincla harmonica2 (66.67%)
Australian MagpieGymnorhina tibicen3 (100.00%)
Little RavenCorvus mellori1 (33.33%)
Australian RavenCorvus coronoides1 (33.33%)
Magpie-larkGrallina cyanoleuca2 (66.67%)
Flame RobinPetroica phoenicea1 (33.33%)
Australasian PipitAnthus novaeseelandiae1 (33.33%)
European GoldfinchCarduelis carduelis1 (33.33%)
Eurasian SkylarkAlauda arvensis2 (66.67%)
Golden-headed CisticolaCisticola exilis2 (66.67%)
Welcome SwallowHirundo neoxena1 (33.33%)
Common BlackbirdTurdus merula1 (33.33%)