Survey Point | Discovery Bay NP Glenelg River Vic |
Latitude | -38.0475000 (38° 2′ 51″ S) |
Longitude | 141.1797200 (141° 10′ 47″ E) |
There are tow ways to get close to this site, the best access is from the south side of the river along Glenelg Dr, the north side only has access along the River Fire Line E Track from Fence Tk and no views of the river, both sides though have good habitat.
There is no camping on the south side and the north side may not be accessible due to a locked gate at the start of the track.
Surveys done 2
Blogs: Victoria’s SW coast and Princess Hwy 2016,
Brush BronzewingPhaps elegans1 (50.00%)
Australian Owlet-nightjarAegotheles cristatus1 (50.00%)
White-throated NeedletailHirundapus caudacutus2 (100.00%)
Double-banded PloverCharadrius bicinctus1 (50.00%)
Azure KingfisherCeyx azureus1 (50.00%)
Laughing KookaburraDacelo novaeguineae1 (50.00%)
Red-tailed Black-CockatooCalyptorhynchus banksii1 (50.00%)
Yellow-tailed Black-CockatooZanda funereus1 (50.00%)
Crimson RosellaPlatycercus elegans1 (50.00%)
White-throated TreecreeperCormobates leucophaea1 (50.00%)
Superb Fairy-wrenMalurus cyaneus1 (50.00%)
Rufous BristlebirdDasyornis broadbenti1 (50.00%)
New Holland HoneyeaterPhylidonyris novaehollandiae1 (50.00%)
White-eared HoneyeaterNesoptilotis leucotis1 (50.00%)
Red WattlebirdAnthochaera carunculata1 (50.00%)
Yellow-faced HoneyeaterCaligavis chrysops1 (50.00%)
White-browed ScrubwrenSericornis frontalis1 (50.00%)
Striated ThornbillAcanthiza lineata1 (50.00%)
Brown ThornbillAcanthiza pusilla1 (50.00%)
Olive WhistlerPachycephala olivacea1 (50.00%)
Golden WhistlerPachycephala pectoralis1 (50.00%)
Grey Shrike-thrushColluricincla harmonica1 (50.00%)
Pied CurrawongStrepera graculina1 (50.00%)
Grey FantailRhipidura fuliginosa1 (50.00%)
Forest RavenCorvus tasmanicus1 (50.00%)
Rose RobinPetroica rosea1 (50.00%)
Eastern Yellow RobinEopsaltria australis1 (50.00%)
SilvereyeZosterops lateralis1 (50.00%)
Bassian ThrushZoothera lunulata1 (50.00%)