Survey Point | Cobbledicks Ford Vic |
Latitude | -37.8188900 (37° 49′ 8″ S) |
Longitude | 144.5836100 (144° 35′ 1″ E) |
Access is best off Doherty’s Rd north of Werribee, there is also access from Ballan Rd, but high clearance is necessary to cross the ford of the Werribee River. This site is mostly parkland, but along the creekline there is some habitat.
Camping is not allowed in the reserve, and I wouldn’t recommend camping on the road, especially on weekends as the area attracts unsavory people.
Surveys done 3
Blogs: Victoria’s SW coast and Princess Hwy 2016,
Spotted DoveStreptopelia chinensis1 (33.33%)
Crested PigeonOcyphaps lophotes2 (66.67%)
Whistling KiteHaliastur sphenurus1 (33.33%)
Sacred KingfisherTodiramphus sanctus1 (33.33%)
Brown FalconFalco berigora1 (33.33%)
Long-billed CorellaCacatua tenuirostris1 (33.33%)
Sulphur-crested CockatooCacatua galerita2 (66.67%)
Red-rumped ParrotPsephotus haematonotus1 (33.33%)
Eastern RosellaPlatycercus eximius1 (33.33%)
Purple-crowned LorikeetGlossopsitta porphyrocephala1 (33.33%)
Superb Fairy-wrenMalurus cyaneus3 (100.00%)
Red WattlebirdAnthochaera carunculata3 (100.00%)
White-plumed HoneyeaterPtilotula penicillata3 (100.00%)
White-browed ScrubwrenSericornis frontalis1 (33.33%)
Brown ThornbillAcanthiza pusilla1 (33.33%)
Black-faced Cuckoo-shrikeCoracina novaehollandiae1 (33.33%)
Australian MagpieGymnorhina tibicen3 (100.00%)
Willie WagtailRhipidura leucophrys2 (66.67%)
Grey FantailRhipidura fuliginosa1 (33.33%)
Little RavenCorvus mellori1 (33.33%)
Magpie-larkGrallina cyanoleuca1 (33.33%)
Red-browed FinchNeochmia temporalis2 (66.67%)
House SparrowPasser domesticus3 (100.00%)
European GoldfinchCarduelis carduelis1 (33.33%)
Fairy MartinPetrochelidon ariel1 (33.33%)
Tree MartinPetrochelidon nigricans1 (33.33%)
Welcome SwallowHirundo neoxena1 (33.33%)
SilvereyeZosterops lateralis1 (33.33%)
Common StarlingSturnus vulgaris1 (33.33%)
Common MynaAcridotheres tristis2 (66.67%)