Survey Point | Cairns Esplanade south Qld |
Latitude | -16.9155600 (16° 54′ 56″ S) |
Longitude | 145.7733300 (145° 46′ 24″ E) |
This is a birding hotspot, the best time is at the high tide when the birds are close to the wall. It’s a most incongruous place, with rampant tourism and hundreds of people on one side of the wall and hundreds of waders on the other side totally oblivious to the wild life on our side of the wall.The gardens also hold some human tolerant species.
No free camping is allowed here
Surveys done 6
Birdsville track and Cape York trip 2015
Rock DoveColumba livia6 (100.00%)
Spotted DoveStreptopelia chinensis2 (33.33%)
Peaceful DoveGeopelia placida5 (83.33%)
Bar-shouldered DoveGeopelia humeralis1 (16.67%)
Torresian Imperial-PigeonDucula spilorrhoa5 (83.33%)
Australian SwiftletAerodramus terraereginae1 (16.67%)
Australian Pied OystercatcherHaematopus longirostris2 (33.33%)
Red-capped PloverCharadrius ruficapillus3 (50.00%)
Lesser Sand PloverCharadrius mongolus3 (50.00%)
Black-fronted DotterelElseyornis melanops2 (33.33%)
Masked LapwingVanellus miles5 (83.33%)
WhimbrelNumenius phaeopus5 (83.33%)
Eastern CurlewNumenius madagascariensis5 (83.33%)
Bar-tailed GodwitLimosa lapponica4 (66.67%)
Black-tailed GodwitLimosa limosa3 (50.00%)
Great KnotCalidris tenuirostris4 (66.67%)
Red KnotCalidris canutus1 (16.67%)
Sharp-tailed SandpiperCalidris acuminata2 (33.33%)
Curlew SandpiperCalidris ferruginea5 (83.33%)
Red-necked StintCalidris ruficollis5 (83.33%)
Terek SandpiperXenus cinereus1 (16.67%)
Grey-tailed TattlerTringa brevipes3 (50.00%)
Common GreenshankTringa nebularia1 (16.67%)
Silver GullChroicocephalus novaehollandiae6 (100.00%)
Little TernSternula albifrons2 (33.33%)
Australian Gull-billed TernGelochelidon macrotarsa2 (33.33%)
Caspian TernHydroprogne caspia1 (16.67%)
Lesser Crested TernThalasseus bengalensis1 (16.67%)
Australian PelicanPelecanus conspicillatus6 (100.00%)
Striated HeronButorides striata1 (16.67%)
Great EgretArdea alba4 (66.67%)
Intermediate EgretArdea intermedia2 (33.33%)
White-faced HeronEgretta novaehollandiae4 (66.67%)
Eastern Reef EgretEgretta sacra3 (50.00%)
Australian White IbisThreskiornis moluccus1 (16.67%)
Straw-necked IbisThreskiornis spinicollis1 (16.67%)
Royal SpoonbillPlatalea regia1 (16.67%)
Little Black CormorantPhalacrocorax sulcirostris1 (16.67%)
OspreyPandion haliaetus1 (16.67%)
Rainbow Bee-eaterMerops ornatus1 (16.67%)
Sacred KingfisherTodiramphus sanctus1 (16.67%)
Rainbow LorikeetTrichoglossus moluccanus5 (83.33%)
Double-eyed Fig-ParrotCyclopsitta diophthalma1 (16.67%)
Little FriarbirdPhilemon citreogularis1 (16.67%)
Brown HoneyeaterLichmera indistincta5 (83.33%)
Yellow HoneyeaterStomiopera flava1 (16.67%)
Varied HoneyeaterGavicalis versicolor3 (50.00%)
White-bellied Cuckoo-shrikeCoracina papuensis2 (33.33%)
Australasian FigbirdSphecotheres vieilloti5 (83.33%)
White-breasted WoodswallowArtamus leucorynchus5 (83.33%)
Willie WagtailRhipidura leucophrys6 (100.00%)
Magpie-larkGrallina cyanoleuca5 (83.33%)
House SparrowPasser domesticus6 (100.00%)
Welcome SwallowHirundo neoxena5 (83.33%)
Common MynaAcridotheres tristis6 (100.00%)